2019 has come and gone. Looking back, it was a significant year for me. I turned 30. It was the first full calendar year that I was employed as a software engineer. I got a new dog. I traveled more this year than I have in a single year in the past. All in all, it was a pretty great year.
Without further adieu, here's a breakdown of the memorable parts.
- Grew a ton as a full stack developer, especially on the backend working with node, express, and sequelize. โจ
- Built, planned, and launched a large new feature. Learned a ton about database design in the process. ๐
- Left my first job as a developer for a new job as a front-end focused dev. Started working with Vue on a daily basis. ๐
- Traveled to Idaho Falls for team meetup, driving through Jackson, WY and the Tetons in the process. ๐ป
- Family vacation. Almost drove onto a golf course thanks to GPS. (Cue Michael Scott "In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake.") ๐ป
- Traveled to Tupelo, Mississippi for a wedding and ate more fried chicken than I knew what to do with. ๐
- Went to Iowa City for onboarding at new company. Loved it and will definitely be going back in 2020. ๐
- New dog! He's a newfoundland and he's absolutely massive, thanks for asking. ๐
- Turned 30 ๐ด
- Started focusing on self-improvement and began running. ๐โโ๏ธ
Bring on 2020!