I last touched the build process for this site in 2020. The site is built with 11ty and is intentionally light on dependencies. To my delight, spinning up the site still work great, and I probably could've remained on 0.11 without issues.

The upgrade to 2.0.1 was mostly fine, although my thoughts on using handlebars with eleventy could not compile due to issues with the code blocks show handlebars syntax. It was pretty clear that I need to escape something, I just didn't know what it was. The stack trace pointed towards Liquid which I thought was interesting given that I use handlebars for templates and that it was a markdown file. I was able to escape the blocks using liquid syntax and go on my merry way. It seems as though something changed from 0.11 to 1.0.2 (I did one major at a time - just in case of issues) with regards to liquid processing markdown files but it was clear what it might be by looking at the changelog.

I didn't exactly try too hard though. It works and that's what matters to me.